Jedi Mom

JEDI MOM my mom could beat your mom in a race to the moon she could stride without pride as she got there by noon my mom is a mansion a house with four rooms one for hugs one for waiting one for dreams one for wounds she's a master of band-aids a Jedi with tears every night she would fight just to conquer my fears my mom could beat your mom in a dance on TV she’s got moves that she’d use to win just for me she’s a lesson in love and how not to spit she tries to play ball though she can’t really hit my mom’s my best friend even though she's a she she is strong in ways that i hope to be my mom could beat your mom in an art competition even though she would say that’s not really the mission my mom knows God they chat every day he seems really cool in what he would say my mom thinks i am as strong as an ox she does not see this fear in me that keeps me in this box though my mom...