Hollow Giggle Gone

My friend Jenny Caudill lost her baby girl this past week.  She was a twin named Bristol!  Can't tell you how this affected me!  I was consumed with the level of loss Jenny and her fiance Blaine had to handle!  

What is life all about?  It is moments like these that get me laser focused on those relationships I have in life!  That is why we were put here on earth... relationship!

Here is the poem I wrote from the perspective of Bristo's Twin sister Bella!

To: Bristol  LOVE: Bella

(A poem for Mom and Dad!)

hush baby sister
don't you cry
the beeping makes you sad

this cold room
will feel warm soon
in the arms of mom and dad

hush baby sister
hold my hand
though breathing is so hard

lets play peek
no hide and seek
i wish i had some cards

now baby sister
hear my voice
this world is just so high

i am so  scared
and un-prepared
for the faces flying by

you laughed baby sister
a perfect sound
though hollow through those tubes

beautiful noise
lets play with toys
and cuddle as we snooze

hold on baby sister
please hold on
our home is all the rage

our nursery walls
and bright pink halls
will dwarf this plastic cage

with love baby sister
take my kiss
this life was just too small

no shadowlands
in that mans hands
his light consumes them all

goodbye to my brisol
you bright fighting pistol
ill miss those perfect ears

though I can't go now
ill find you somehow
in HIS presence through the years


with all my love and prayers
to Mom and Dad

-matt francis


  1. What a beautiful poem. Matt, you wear your heart on your sleeve...and it's truly inspiring! Jenny and Blaine will no doubt treasure this sweet and loving tribute always. I pray it will bring comfort and hope to their family and community. I can only imagine the feelings of love, hope and faith it will bring to Bella when she's old enough to process all of it.


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