scabs of hope

Scabs Of Hope

hope is a tree 

that died in me

somewhere along the way

withering winds 

slowly set in

and blew all her branches away

her trunk now a lump 

for people to dump

insults that easily flow

grace is a place 

i need to embrace

as life lands it’s menacing blows

rewind of my mind 

replays all the time

the failures that got me to now

yet a call that seems small 

begins to drown all

the lies that are rotting somehow

this moment i own it 

and who will condone it

as blame tries to burn through my skin

seeking me by my tree 

my heart slows it’s bleed

as God’s love washes over my sin

it’s not a pass for my past 

to continue to last

as i kneel at the end of me

it’s a begin and an end 

with my new found friend

hope in him 

holds a much stronger tree


matt Francis 


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