Painful Path Relentless Purpose

what happens in a moment

affects our spiraling days

days that turn to lifetimes

in insignificant ways

thoughts that seemed important

formed on words to hide their shape

prove my heart will cease its rhythm

if i allow them to escape

so i’ll say what keeps me safe

behind this wall now made of tears

made of fire and the hope i lost

as we compromised the years

i’ll say just enough

to avoid your subtle wrath

i’ll turn my back

and not look back

as i seek a hidden path

a path that has no light in sight

a path that narrows still

a path that hides me from your stare

far from expectations will

i’m headed now to him

to the maker of my skin

to the one who called me son

before I met him as my friend 

the one who calls my name

though I want to hide my face

i lift my eyes to his light now bright

from his overwhelming grace

grace that sees my darkened past

grace that knows my shame

grace that defies

my human eyes

as he echos out my name

come my son

we’ve only just begun

to share this eternal ride

take shelter here

as i dissolve the fear

and teach you to abide

we take a turn

back to all i burned

as we fought throughout the years

suddenly i see

through him in me

he is using all our tears

he is molding our mistakes

he is shaping all the loss

his truth uproots

the lies we held

as he nails them to the cross

he reveals purpose in 

the spiraling path

of our insignificant fire

and with a single phrase

he ignites his blaze

of significant desire


matt francis


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