Death and Dimples

death and dimples

if i die 
before i wake

i'll hold your hand

for old time sake

i’ll kiss the ground

salute the sun

cling to ash

till eternity comes

we're on a role

in this fish bowl

fed by the lie

that we have control

and yet i wake

i reach

i scream

as if my life

could mean a thing

so where does it end

nobody knows

the lie that we feed

is the thought that will grow

yet who is he 

who hears our cry

takes hold of our hurt

and dissolves the lie

seems he is me

without all the shame

despite my mistakes

he still calls my name

purpose is there

you reap what you eat

fine wine on the vine

or crumbs off the street

this is the day

the now of our skin

the moment where choice

could save us again

he is the vine

we are vignettes

inside of his grace

there are no regrets


matt francis


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